Heavy Rain~
Huh! Today heavy rain la...
Aigooo.. Beku I..Sejuuuuk~
Aigoo.. Mase balik from college just now, damn basah!!
Tp, it's ok!
Because I met Tiew!!! (Tepuk sket.. Tepuk sket..)
He is a gentleman... Ngahahha...
He is the nicest guy-friend I have ever had!
Mostly, all guys in my secondary school times were all gentleman...
Dorang akan make sure that kitorg kaum hawa ni sampai umah dalam keadaan selamat...
Joseph penah do that to Najah.
Tiew penah do that to me...
And Just now, he still concerned about me! Teehee..
I met him dekat station LRT Ampang. I was going out from the kiosk, and he was going in...
So.. disebabkan fate kitorg berjumpe....
I was like "eh?"
dye pn mcm "eh?"
I was wearing a mask, so dye mcm recognize xrecognize I je la.. Nghahaha...
Then we talked a bit.. Borak siket je.. Then he asked me "Sakit ke?"
I pn jawab la.. "Ha'a, demam, batuk, selsema.. Aish~"
Lpas tu dye rase dahi I.. nk make sure if i have fever or not...
Biar betul dye ni? Slambe badak je letak kulit dye dkt kulit I!!!
Abes sume org nmpk... Pakcik Kiosk tu pn perasan kot...
Aish! Klau bukan sebab kawan lame, dh lame aku tepis tangan dye dan bukak kekuda pencak silat ku yang dh lame xdigune kan ni...!
Tp, Tiew ni caring gle about his girl-friends... Especially classmates dye... Who else, kitorg budak SMKBI la... Ngehehehe...
Dye hanta I until the place where Omma will picked me up, then mase he wanted to go home, he said ''Please Be Careful."
Yaaaa~ Terharunyeee~~ Masalahnye, dye sanggup accompany me jalan until tempat Omma jemput tu...
Dye mmg gentleman...
BTW, Ms. Praba always said nowadays all men are not gentleman.. That is true! But I have my gentleman! Mr. Tiew! My Gentle Friend!!! ohoh!
Owh, today I went to Dongsaengie Aliea and Dongsaengie Ieyla's house. Dekat Pandan Mewah.Besssst~~ Huhu!
Kitorg menari... menari... menyanyi.. makan nasik lemak... HoHoHo!! Seronok!!
Then I met Aliea and Ieyla's namdongsaeng Naim and .... (alamak! Short term dtg balik!!)
nnt klau igt, I write it.... I called them 'Hi Budak2!!" sambil melambai riang pada mereka~ huhu
Pegy sane naik LRT, turun at Cempaka, then took a Rapid Bus to Taman Seraya. Aliea waited for me at the bus stop kat Taman Seraya tu.
Owh, And after arrived dekat bus stop umah Aliea tu kn, I noticed that my cardigan is terbalik!!!! Abes.. slame dlm LRT and Rapid tu, I pkai baju terbalik la kirenye ye..???
Nasib baik I wear mask, org xperasan sgt muke I.. NgahahahahThen, dekat Bus stop tu, while waited for Ieyla and Aliea dtg ambik I, sempat change the position of my cardigan...
Kat sane, Omma dorg baik sgt..
Owh! Their house is sooooooooooo nice!!
Ade pintu gerbang yang besar!! Kereta besar!!! Uwaaaa!!!
Papa dorg memang kaya~~~
Dapat makan nasi lemak yang sedap berlaukkan rendang ayam... Peeh Enak hingga menggigit tulang putih ayam tu..
Then, we went lepak2 upstairs. Baring2 atas katil sstelah kekenyangn ayam rendang dan Fat Rice tu.
Then I passed their presents...
Nah! Silelah.. satu utk Aliea, satu untuk Ieyla..
Dorang suke sgt dgn hadiah tu... Alaaa, pin Heenim n Sungmin je... Tp because they both too kind, they say it is soooo nice.. ape2 je la...
Owh, supposedly I have a meeting with my coursework-mates, tp xpegi. Hahaha.. Alaa, actually xjadi mane pn, klau I dtg pn Jaya wasn't coming, because only her work yang xsiap lg.. Only Rowena and Alia dtg meeting td.. Aigoo... Agak2, dorg bebulu ke x ek..?
JAYA!!! Please datang for the first time on our meeting!!! Asyek2 awk xdtg! Please... come next meeting! Please!!!
Then.. in class, i am so biase la..... menari2 lg dgn Ieyla kat umah tu... Haiz~
kn dh penat!! Mianhae....
But still, we have LOTS of fun!!
Owh, pelajaran Accounts today, mmg XPAHAM! Agak blurr harini.. As for the others, pun blurr jgk... Accruals and repayments....
Dlam bahase melayu dlu I pnah blaja sket2 mase form 4, Terakru dgn amende ntah.. tp tu la.. terakru.. Ayat ni mmg pelik..
Owh, Homework account xbuat lg!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaah!!! xpe... esok sempat.. uish! Belagak! Cube klau xde mase... Mati jatuh letrik LRT lg la gaye nye~~~ Hmm... Kan Sya?!
Omo! Ah! Now I remember.. Sya telah merompak RM5 from my prepaid account!! Uwaaa....
Credit saye dh sikit!!! Mcm ne ni...? Transaction fee pun dh 50cent... Ape da....~
Diye tu la... call Abang2 yg xbergune tu... pastu last2, menyusah kan org! Ouuuhh!! Klau dpt ni, dh lame I cencang2 dye bagi lumat!! Hiaaaaaaaaah!!!
Lain kali call la abang2 yg xberfaedah tu lg... mmg nak kene!!!!(uish, buruk beno onigiri ni marah.. ngehehehe Siap keluar kaki dan tangan.. huhu)
Dah la! klau hari2 jumpe Tiew kn best! Xpayah risau2 nk jalan kaki lg.. DH ade bodyguard.. Wuuhuu~
Olrite! Until here only my post!!!
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