♥One Day with Dongsaeng♥
Monday-16th March 2009
I met Aliea and Ieyla!! Two of my dongsaengs!!!
We met at Tesco je...Hehehe
But it was really FUN!!! They both are soooo adorable!!
This is Aliea and Me!
Here's Ieyla and Me!
They helped me find some shirts and pants for my Military Training.
But we ended up only looking ALL the cloths instead of buying them..
They are also good towards Omma. Omma went somewhere else, leaving the 3 of us behind, Aliea and Ieyla was like 'Eonni, where's Omma!?'
They are sooo cute!
While we were looking and finding cloths, we found the 'Free' note.
Then I was like,
Ira : Omo! Free?? Take it! Take it!
Aliea : EYh? Jeongmal?? Free?
Ieyla : Eonni! It's free size la!! Mwo ya!? (clever one)
Ira : Eyh? Buhuhahahah.. Yeah, free size..
Suddenly Ieyla being the nerd one..
Ieyla : Eonni? What is this size F? I never heard of it before?
Aliea : It's size Free la, Ieyla!
Ira : Yah! Just now you are the clever one, and now..?? Aigoo..
I still remeber that! Gahahaha..
And we were like talking about Super Junior All day!!!
Ieyla 24/7 asked me to buy something for my Husband Hyukkie..
And the we went for a Drink... yummy~ Ice Blended Mocha!!
Kyaaaaaaaaa.. Mashitta!!!
Then, Omma invited us home.. I mean Omma invited them... :p
We chat... chat and chat about Super Junior all day!!! Hehe.. In my room!!
Owh, they bought 'Super Junior t-shirt' for me!!! and I got Eunhyukkie's bracelet! :p
Kyaaaaaaaaaaa~~ So Cool!!
Then we dance... and dance.... dance..... and we record it! :p
Super Junior's Sorry Sorry, SNSD's Gee, SHINee's Replay&Romantic..... hmm.. what else??
Kyaaaaaaaaa... Then, my family went out, we all went down stairs.. going to watch Music Bank together!!!
Daradada Call me, call me.. LOL.. Taegun sang 'Call Me'.. And Ieyla went all crazy! :p
They went home at 6.30 pm.... Their Appa picked them up.. Their Appa is sooo sporting..
Owh, They are rich too though, their Appa use Mercedes Benz Class E (If I am not mistaken)
Wah!!! Sooo long! It's like spending ONE day with my Dongsaengs!
I want to spend more time with them again!!!!
When they are home, I watched our dance again.... Kyaaa.. So funny!!!
I can never forget the day!!! Muahahahahah!
Aliea-sshi Ieyla-sshi Saranghamnida!!!!
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