Korean Class Lvl 4 끝!
Thursday, September 02, 2010
My Korean Class Level 4 has just finished!
Along with our exams today, I think I did my best! 아싸!
The exam was not that hard though, only our mind thinks it's hard because the term 'EXAM'
This is our beloved Seonsaengnim선갱님!!! Dr. Rhee!
And my 사랑스런 친구Loveable Friend, Hanan sshi!! ^_^
It's OK for me because I will still keep continuing the Level 4 with Seonsaengnim, but I will miss the times where Hanan and me laughed together in the class. hmm...
하난-야, 앞으로 죽~ 가세요!! ^_^ 빨리 도라와요!
September 2, 2010 at 2:50 PM
:))) gomawo areumdaun chingu-yeo~