Smiling day #1
Friday, April 01, 2011
[Photo theme : Employer Curi Tulang, Employees pun curi tulang.]
Today is the first day of Wedding Expo in PWTC. I was helping Along with her catering booth. Since I have class in the morning, I curi tulang and went to work late at noon. Hehehe…
Well, to be honest with you guys, actually Sya and I went there not to 100% work, instead we were looking for anak ikan(aka cute guys) for ourselves *ROFL!*
We wore cute shawls and dressed up ourselves with pretty make ups and all just to look gorgeous.. (Gorgeous la sgt….LOL)
Owh, Lina was there too, on the first day! And so does Ah Cheong… (As usual, full time-employee, have to work with us, though his always-clinging girl friend work at other booth leaving him alone.. and the detested thing is, he ALWAYS disturbed me…haiz..i don’t like! I don’t like!)
On the first day, we made friends with our neighbor, the very pretty sis, what-was-her-name-again? Sis.. hehe well, we just called them sis.. ^_^”
And then, we made friends with a nameless guy. He looks a very tiny little bit like an actor named, Fizo Omar. He kept giving Sya and me his pamphlets every time we passed by his booth =_=” what the heck…?
And… the most excited thing happened today was.. we made friends with.. who-was-the-guy’s-name-again? LOL! He was veryyyyyy funny!! I mean, his facial expression were veryyyy comical! Seriously! And we all LOVE him a lot! Among the new friends, I prefer hangin’ out with him!
Haha! Happy day #1 with Sya.
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