Which one is the interesting one?
Sad story or happy story...??
OK... we start with sad first!
Then baru happy.... hmmm...
1) Sad Story #1 - Why my life so hard?
Wae nae salme himdereo yo?
sad one is my dot dot dot.
Kenapa saya xdpt hidup macam kehidupan kawan2 saya yang lain? (air mata berlinangan)
Sedih gile cite ni...
Ade la sorang mamat ni... (adekah Boyfren??Ahah!!)
Adela...... xnk la bgtau sape kn...
dye telah menjadi manushia yg seperti dulu..
asyek2 mengamuk je...
Kenapa la dapat diye?
Gwenchana Ira-ah! Allah is trying to test you with these kind of dugaan.
Ira-ah!! Himnae!!!
(Taemin : Ira-Noona, Himnae!)
I cry so much lately because of this!
See!! Want to take picture with my favourite drink also with swallon eyes!
(nmpk mcm bru lpas nanges x?)
Lpas tu td, diye mengamuk lg, sbb ade budak yang paling bengap kat dalam dunia ni xreti nak kire duit, padahal dah Form 1 (Astarghfirullah! Bengapnye laki tu!)
Tadi I pulak kene maki dgn dye...
In Al-Quran said, if mother ask to do something, then we should DO IT!
Then this one fella(alamak! Ms. Prabha said, 'fella' is a harsh word!) marah lak, suruh do what he asked me to do, padahal Omma also ask at the same time
Then, since the "person" and me are fighting (Perang Saraf,ok!? I am the good one here! I just shut up and listen what he has to say)
Ok..ok.. since we are having the Feeling fight(???) then I went home from LRT station by kaki.. Jalan kaki je..
It was raining. Small rain only maaa~ Gerimis yang mengundang.
Then..... I SAW.....
BIAWAK!!!! (ape dlm English? Komodo?)
Besar dye same besar mcm Biawak yang slalu visit my house dulu...Ekor panjaaaaang~
Then I continue walking....
Still gerimis...
I SAW......
Daun!!! Leave!! Red in colour.... -_-"
Is it red? It's red, right??? Right??
Nae mari maja!!! Jjinjja!!!
(Ape2 je la keje saya sambil berjalan td.. Aigoo)
2) Sad Story #2 - Last day of classes
Uwaaa.. dah xde happy2 bising2 dlam class lg dh...
No chinese fellas make noise anymore..
No Jocelyn and Jonathan Wong to express their feelings toward me and tell me how much they hate the chinese-eans buat bising.
And No more lecturers yang always make jokes!
No worry!! Next semester will come!
(aigoo..bising lg....)
p/s sekarang: Dapat pukul nyamuk sekor!!! WoOt! WOot!
sambung cite....
So... Bye2 for a while.. Rowena, Alia, Jocelyn, Jaya, Faiz and Baha!!
Owh, to Jonathan Wong(why I like to call his full name ha?!)
Ken Hao, Ryan (so-called-leechongwei : Dye marah cuz I gave him this nickname!ngehehe but he call me Bawang instead.. WAE!!??) too!!
Last day with Ms. Prabha.
Dewi and sanskrita dance and sing infront of the class for Ms. Prabha.
Faiz tgk dgn teliti..hahahaha

Annyeong Ms. Prabha...
Hope to see u next semester!!!
Jocelyn!!!! (Poor her, not going back to Sabah.)

Jocelyn!!!! Wai shen me?(like diz ha, how to spell?)
Hope u can study hard!! And don't sprain yourself!!
Go to work carefully!
I am going to Kampung for raya!
Ken Hao!!!
Bye2~ For a while only...

#1 take!
Ira : Omo! I ge mwo ya? Again!!
Ken Hao : Why? I tak kacak ek?
(Ya Ampun! Ayat dye..... skema ayam!)
Ira : Kacak? no la.. my face la... again!
#2 take!
Ira : Ahah!!! This one is nice!! (the above picture)
Ken Hao : U tak balik raya?
Ira : Of course la! I balik melaka! U?
Ken Hao : I tak balik.
Ira : Yah!!! Why u speak malay all of the sudden? Just because I said I like ur malay accent eh?
(his accent quite cute jugak la...)
Ken Hao : I want to improve my malay accent la. My ex use to say that my accent is not good and so funny.
Ira : No la. That one ok what! all chinese also speaks like that meh!
(why my english becomes like chinese-english??)
Ken hao : I want to speak malay like malays, and speak english like the Indians.
Ira : Owh...
Then... dye cube menggoda I untuk makan!!
(Syaitonirrajim ke??!!)
Dye telah menghulur donat yang mcm enak tu.... supaya I break my fast!
(lalalala.. xterliur pun. dududu~)
Sanskrita : WOI!! ape korang berdua buat ni ha?! She fast la, aiyooO!!! (sanskrita the behind one in blue)
Dewi : Aiyoo! Ken, eating donut infront of the fast person, not gentlemen la you!!!
Ira : It's ok la Used to it already meh!!

Now, have to study for the finals!!!
Now.. Happy time..
3) Happy story #1 - Jumpa musuh ketat(member PLKN) si Shida!!
Ni la si Shida tu!!
Dye pakai selendang.... -_-"
Sekarang dye dh addicted to selendang...
Td pun beli selendang berpasang2. Mentang2 la tgh murah...

Dh bosan.. asyek tangkap gamba je keje..
Muke pun dh xsemenggah dh...

4) Happy Story #2 - Dapat pakai Hanbok!!!
Dapat pakai Hanbok!!
Me so cute meh!!! Right??!!
Finally!!!The dress i am dying to wear, now I can wear!
And it's my favourite colour!
Green cair....
Do I look like Gongju nim??

U guys want to know how much this dress cost??
RM 200!!!!

So.. that's why I only try...
And take picture in the fitting room!
Ha ha ha!
As usual~~~~
OK!!! That's all for today....
And, the store that sell Nescafe tu xbukak today.
Nak nescafe tu!!!!!
SO many dugaan and cabaran I have to hadapi.
Ya Allah! Ampunkan lah hamba mu ini!!