First paper just finished!!

Irah Aizi
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Writing this update :
at College Library
after eating the delicious Chocolate+peanut butter waffle
waiting for Aizat habes exam
(haih~ kalau xsebab mama suruh balik dgn Aizat, dh lame Ira gi meronggeng mane2.. aigoo~)


tu je mampu tulis....
Ni la akibat over-confident dan belagak....

Ade 5 soalan...
Kene jawab soalan 1 and 2.
Soalan 3,4,5, kene pilih 2 out of 3!!!!

So I answered question 4 and 5...

Yang mmg gile2 confident question 1,2 and 4...
Question 5............. (¬_¬)

Ya Allah!! Tolong Ira!! 25% tuuuu..... hilang begitu saje... disebabkan oleh kelalaian dan kemalasan Ira!
Soalan yang buat 'excercise' lain, yang keluar exam lain... SEJAK BILE SOALAN matrix TU ADE psl 'transpose' and 'ad-joint'??? xpenah dgr pun seumur hidup ku belajar master(^_~) di sekolah menengah!!??
(owh, lupe.. Ira dh masuk alam kolej.. hahahah.... mesti la lain.. ^_^")

ehehe.. Biase la.. 7G mmg mcm tu!!!
Slalu study yang mane rase keluar exam je.. Pastu if xkeluar.. redha...

ITU LAH KAMI!!!! huhu..

mane si Aizat ni..??

Just now, keluar exam hall awal. sebab... sebab... sume keluar awal (^.^)
adakah tindakan ku ini betul..???
mmg dh azam dh td, "kalau dpt jawab je soalan 'simple trigonometry' tu, tros nk keluar hall" (ehem...ehem.. mmg tu je soalan last and yg berjam2 utk dptkn jwpn..)

Ni la soalan BOM MELETOP nye!!!
simplify sec² x /cos x ?

CUBE LA ANDA BUAT!!??? dpt x jwpn!!? pasti muke anda O_O bile melihat soalan ini kan..???
ahah!! tau pun!!!

jwpn yang Ira dpt... 'sin x'
xtahu lah betul ke x.....
Ya Allah! Harap2 jawapan ira betul, Ya Allah.

(Baru first paper, dh kelam kabut... lpas ni.......??? )





Ira nk hidup lame...!!!

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Raya dh habes la!!!

Irah Aizi
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Writing this update :
at Home
Belakang mama tengok hindustan (nk tgk! tp mama xbagi!)

tengah kipas2 baju sebab basah air tumpah
Ade belalang kecik atas MEJA!! aaaaa

This year's Raya was sooo boring...

Sebab2 nye ialah....???
1) Masa dah semakin laju (Sya cakap)
2) My final exam will be after raya.
3)sebab puasa ni i didn't do much ibadat. (huh! ape nk jadi ni!?)
4) Hidup semakin...... bosan...

So... my Raya passes just like that! (petik jari sambil ckp 'like that')
Alaa.. konon2 mcm raya ku habis mcm petik jari je kejapnye..
(ape ayat ni!? alaa, paham sendiri la ye?)

My RAYA end up me and my cousins gone to Bowling... watching movies... and sleep..

This is when I was at bowling with all my girl cousins..
(tp, tunjuk gambar diri sendiri je la..)

Owh! and I was the winner!!!
Hahahaha.. Biase la.. Budak Key elle! Hebat bermain bowling!

Ni... raya bersama kucing!
(slalu lupe ape name jenis kucing ni.. tanye nadia, dye tau!)
CUTE gileeee kucing ni...
tapi I xsuke kucing...
sebab kecik sgt la binatang berbulu ni!!!

kalau Tiger and Lion n Panda tu I MINAT!!!!

Then.... pegi tengok Jin Notti!!
Best gilee... huhu..

Ni lpas abes cerite Jin Notti....
and..... sempat gak kitorg pegi karaoke..
menyanyi2.... dududud...
Tapi yg bosan punye Norae Bang la...
ade lagu2 lame je..
lagu Arwah Micheal Jackson pun ade 1 je...
Ciput sungguh!!!

Ahah!!! I have becoming Syaitonirrajim!!!
I telah membuatkan si Qudud menanges xberlagu!!!
My cousins gelak2 kn dye!!
Padam muke kau!! sebok sgt nk ikot!!
"ade aku ajak kau ke ha!?"

Ni mase kitorg melintas jalan (pkai jejantas ok!)
Untuk ke Jaya Jusco..
(sbenanye dekat tepi skali ade si Quddud tu p I dh crop kn! hahahahah)
Sebok je pose, org xajak pun!!!

Ahah!! dekat melaka pun ade Etude House!!!
Junpyo-ah!! Saranghae!!!

Terjumpe la si Junpyo nye... "Annyeong Haseyo!" (berangan)
Tp kn best kalau dpt jumpe btol2..!! ngahahaha..

Instead of bermaaf-maafan di rumah..
I go to jalan2 cari pasal pulak..

This year xterasa Raya la.. Maybe next year kot..
I'll try! Cube try test!!!

Dh la.. esok final exam!!!!
(ey? 'kyaaa' ni suke...)

(ha! ni bru btol!)

Ya Allah! tenangkan lah hati Ira ye! untuk menghadapi exam esok!!
Bagi Ira soalan2 senang2 ye...

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Happy vs. Sad

Irah Aizi
Friday, September 18, 2009

Which one is the interesting one?
Sad story or happy story...??

OK... we start with sad first!
Then baru happy.... hmmm...

1) Sad Story #1 - Why my life so hard?
Wae nae salme himdereo yo?
sad one is my dot dot dot.
Kenapa saya xdpt hidup macam kehidupan kawan2 saya yang lain? (air mata berlinangan)
Sedih gile cite ni...
Ade la sorang mamat ni... (adekah Boyfren??Ahah!!)
Adela...... xnk la bgtau sape kn...

dye telah menjadi manushia yg seperti dulu..
asyek2 mengamuk je...
Kenapa la dapat diye?
Gwenchana Ira-ah! Allah is trying to test you with these kind of dugaan.
Ira-ah!! Himnae!!!
(Taemin : Ira-Noona, Himnae!)

I cry so much lately because of this!
See!! Want to take picture with my favourite drink also with swallon eyes!
(nmpk mcm bru lpas nanges x?)
Lpas tu td, diye mengamuk lg, sbb ade budak yang paling bengap kat dalam dunia ni xreti nak kire duit, padahal dah Form 1 (Astarghfirullah! Bengapnye laki tu!)

Tadi I pulak kene maki dgn dye...
In Al-Quran said, if mother ask to do something, then we should DO IT!
Then this one fella(alamak! Ms. Prabha said, 'fella' is a harsh word!) marah lak, suruh do what he asked me to do, padahal Omma also ask at the same time

Then, since the "person" and me are fighting (Perang Saraf,ok!? I am the good one here! I just shut up and listen what he has to say)
Ok..ok.. since we are having the Feeling fight(???) then I went home from LRT station by kaki.. Jalan kaki je..
It was raining. Small rain only maaa~ Gerimis yang mengundang.
Then..... I SAW.....
BIAWAK!!!! (ape dlm English? Komodo?)
Besar dye same besar mcm Biawak yang slalu visit my house dulu...Ekor panjaaaaang~
Then I continue walking....
Still gerimis...
I SAW......
Daun!!! Leave!! Red in colour.... -_-"
Is it red? It's red, right??? Right??
Nae mari maja!!! Jjinjja!!!

(Ape2 je la keje saya sambil berjalan td.. Aigoo)

2) Sad Story #2 - Last day of classes

Uwaaa.. dah xde happy2 bising2 dlam class lg dh...
No chinese fellas make noise anymore..
No Jocelyn and Jonathan Wong to express their feelings toward me and tell me how much they hate the chinese-eans buat bising.
And No more lecturers yang always make jokes!

No worry!! Next semester will come!
(aigoo..bising lg....)

p/s sekarang: Dapat pukul nyamuk sekor!!! WoOt! WOot!

sambung cite....
So... Bye2 for a while.. Rowena, Alia, Jocelyn, Jaya, Faiz and Baha!!
Owh, to Jonathan Wong(why I like to call his full name ha?!)
Ken Hao, Ryan (so-called-leechongwei : Dye marah cuz I gave him this nickname!ngehehe but he call me Bawang instead.. WAE!!??) too!!

Last day with Ms. Prabha.
Dewi and sanskrita dance and sing infront of the class for Ms. Prabha.
Faiz tgk dgn teliti..hahahaha
Annyeong Ms. Prabha...
Hope to see u next semester!!!

Jocelyn!!!! (Poor her, not going back to Sabah.)
Jocelyn!!!! Wai shen me?(like diz ha, how to spell?)
Hope u can study hard!! And don't sprain yourself!!
Go to work carefully!
I am going to Kampung for raya!

Ken Hao!!!
Bye2~ For a while only...
#1 take!
Ira : Omo! I ge mwo ya? Again!!
Ken Hao : Why? I tak kacak ek?
(Ya Ampun! Ayat dye..... skema ayam!)
Ira : Kacak? no la.. my face la... again!

#2 take!
Ira : Ahah!!! This one is nice!! (the above picture)
Ken Hao : U tak balik raya?
Ira : Of course la! I balik melaka! U?
Ken Hao : I tak balik.
Ira : Yah!!! Why u speak malay all of the sudden? Just because I said I like ur malay accent eh?
(his accent quite cute jugak la...)
Ken Hao : I want to improve my malay accent la. My ex use to say that my accent is not good and so funny.
Ira : No la. That one ok what! all chinese also speaks like that meh!
(why my english becomes like chinese-english??)
Ken hao : I want to speak malay like malays, and speak english like the Indians.
Ira : Owh...

Then... dye cube menggoda I untuk makan!!
(Syaitonirrajim ke??!!)
Dye telah menghulur donat yang mcm enak tu.... supaya I break my fast!
(lalalala.. xterliur pun. dududu~)
Sanskrita : WOI!! ape korang berdua buat ni ha?! She fast la, aiyooO!!! (sanskrita the behind one in blue)
Dewi : Aiyoo! Ken, eating donut infront of the fast person, not gentlemen la you!!!
Ira : It's ok la Used to it already meh!!

Now, have to study for the finals!!!

Now.. Happy time..

3) Happy story #1 - Jumpa musuh ketat(member PLKN) si Shida!!
Ni la si Shida tu!!
Dye pakai selendang.... -_-"
Sekarang dye dh addicted to selendang...
Td pun beli selendang berpasang2. Mentang2 la tgh murah...
Dh bosan.. asyek tangkap gamba je keje..
Muke pun dh xsemenggah dh...

4) Happy Story #2 - Dapat pakai Hanbok!!!

Dapat pakai Hanbok!!
Me so cute meh!!! Right??!!
Finally!!!The dress i am dying to wear, now I can wear!
And it's my favourite colour!
Green cair....
Do I look like Gongju nim??
U guys want to know how much this dress cost??
RM 200!!!!
So.. that's why I only try...
And take picture in the fitting room!
Ha ha ha!
As usual~~~~

OK!!! That's all for today....

And, the store that sell Nescafe tu xbukak today.
Nak nescafe tu!!!!!

SO many dugaan and cabaran I have to hadapi.
Ya Allah! Ampunkan lah hamba mu ini!!

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Irah Aizi
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New telephone!
Since the old phone is damage(ayat yang sangat melampau!),
then Mr. TM came by yesterday and replace a new one!!

Tapi..... Halus benau suara kedengaran..
The ringtone also not too loud.
So... if u all call xangkat tu, xdgr la tu.. hehehehe

Nasreen Zaky
I miss Nasreen Zaky suddenly!!
We were the closest friend EVER in tuition!
Skip class together. Go to class together.
Go to 7E together.
Lepak belakang tuition building together.
Talked about stuffs together.
Thanks to her, I know Super Junior...
Whenever I hear Super Junior's 'U', I will remember her.
She is cute and kind too!!!
I called her lately, and she misses me too!
\(",)/ yippy~~~

Pakcik LRT!!!
Saje je nk bring something up dlm blog ni!!
This pakcik wearing... 1,2,3 (tgh kire)
6 rings!!!
See! See??!
Is it a trend???

Bersahur ala Korea
Do u know that I cannot sleep this morning??!!
I shut down my PC at 2AM, then try...try...try to sleep.
But... cannot sleep!!!
And then, dh pukul 4.....
I was awake kn... then...
I smell......
(hoi! jgn tegur!!!)
I smell TOM YAM!!!

(ade nmpk mcm KimChi sup x? yg slalu dlm Drama2 korea makan tu)
Tambah nasik setelah habes sekuali...
This is the next dishes!!!
Tomyam jugak!It's been 2 days I haven't wake up for sahur...
Then tadi I go for sahur kn...
Appa tanye
"Eh? Kakak bangun? Tahajud ke tadi?"
Ape? tahajud??? -_-"

I am addicted to.....
This is the first time I bought this drink
This was yesterday!

And this is today's drink!!!
So sedap!!!!
It's gooooooood(care lembu mooo)
Ni lah dye!!
This is it!!!
Maybe because of this I cannot sleep last night...
Am I..... going to be awake tonight too??

Sekarang ni...
Ade dua haiwan yang ade disekeliling I skrg!
1) Cicak yang td atas meja PC ni, tapi dh dihalau oleh I (menggunakan kayu golf)
sekarang cicak tu ade dekat Meja sebelah PC ni pulak!! Tapi kat blkang pasu!
Ya Allah! Lindungi hamba!

2) Kumbang kecik dekat langsir tepi ni ha!
Ade la kumbang yg melekat tu.. Kalau tarik susah nk lepaskn kain yg dihinggap!

eeeeeeeeeeeee.... Dorang pun nak raya sini macam mak Sya ke????

Geli laaaaaaaaaaaaaa... CICAK XGUNE!!

That's all lah for today!
Have to study for EXAM!!!
But when am I starting???
SO hard being a lazy girl...
(Xde la malas mane pun... I rajin OK!?)

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OMONA!!!! Apho!!

Irah Aizi
Monday, September 14, 2009

Tajuk blog ni mcm 'Maimunah!!! Poh(poh bedoh)!!'

Tulis post ni di Rumah tingkat bawah (TV abah tu memekak je la....)
Tulis post ni ketika lagu SUJU KRY sedang didendangkan
Tulis post ni sambil makan Nata Dee Coco

Pedihnye perut!!!!!!!
Allah je yang tahu...

jalan pun dh mcm sarat mengandung dh..
Satu tangan pegang pinggang, satu tangan pegang perut..
(cube anda bayangkan...kalau xdpt bayangkan, pegy tanye emak2 anda bagaimana bentuk orang sarat mengandung!)

Sakit perut sebab..... ermmm sebab.....
ade la.....

Tapi kn... time dekat umah je perut ni pedih....
Masa dekat LRT tu sakit, then time dh sampai Masjid Jamek, elok dh sket...
Pastu dlm klas pun OK..

Kat library dye memulas balik...
Dah OK...
(CEREWET betol la sakit ni!!!)

Lpas tu.... time nak balik tu pulak sakit baleeeekkk...
Agaknye Sakit ni mmg suke kat umah kot..
Dye selesa berada di rumah kot...

pastu Si Doktor Ayam.. eh maksud I, Doktor Sya telah menasehatkan I supaye makan pil....
Katenye warne Pink..

Memang PINK gile warnenye!!!
Ha!! tgk la!! Pink kn? Pink kn???
Ni la.. I makan 2 bijik!

Irah : Kak, ade x menstruation pil?
Kakak guardian : Ha? ape?
Irah : Menstruation pil, yang untuk period pain tu...
Kakak guardian : owh, meh sini... yang panadol kan?
Irah : (dlm hati : mane la haku tau panadol ke paracetamol ke?)

Ahah!! Dah jumpe!!!
Bahagian depan
Bahagian belakang


pastu I pun makan laaaa...~
Ahah!! dah xsakit perut lg...!!

Doktor Ayam.. eh? maksud saye.. maksud saye.....
Doktor Sya menasehati saya supaya jamah sesuatu sebelom makan pil tu..

ni la yg saya makan...

Roti Pandan kaya yang sedap la jugak...
Manis.... tp.. bole dimakan la jugak....
Air kosong pun air guardian.. hahaha Gediks!
Dengan minum air lipton yang lazat ni!!
Still sejuk membeku!!
Sangat enak diminum begitu saja....

Tu je lah!
Sekarang ni elok sikit sakit perutnye...
Still kadang2 sakit, tapi xterase sgt la...
Can still bare the pain...

Harap2 la pain ni only for today!
There's no tomorrow. Tomorrow never die!!
Tp xperlu risau!!!
Pil ade lg....!!

(buka pil tidur atau pil kurus ye!?)

Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan, kalau sakit ke ape ke, I saran kn U all pegy la jumpe Doktor Ayam tu...
Maksud saye... maksud saye...
Doktor Sya.
Diye mmg pakar!

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~Topic tiga rasa~

Irah Aizi
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Topic tige rasa ni mengisahkan 3 perkara yang berlaku. Happy, Sedih and so funny(accent Rowena)...

♥Topic rasa pertama : Berbuka ala Korea

Jal Mokhaesseumnidaaaaaaaa~~~~


Disebabkan I dah beli chopstik besi yang cantik lagi menarik lagi tertarik lagi top!
Maka dengan ini....
Cara makan I pun bertukarlah menjadi style Korea...


Ni la chopstiknye..
Sangat cantik sekali ye..?

Ni ha! Care saye pegang!
Cantik kan tangan saye??
(ape yang cantiknye...??hmmm....)
Tapi... xnampak ke?
ke'sweet'an tangan saya memegang chopstik besi tu!!!
Macam korean betol je..

♥Topic Rasa Kedua : Kisah Kawan Baik I

Teman!! Jangan la nangis...
Burok la mukenye.....

Kesian kawan I!!
TAK GUNA PUNYA PENCURI!!! diye telah mencuri harta pusaka kawan saya!
aku doakan kau tertangkap oleh CCTV bank tu so that polis akan tangkap kau!!
Kau kene bayar ganti rugi kat kawan saya tau tak!?
Yang kau jahat sangat ni kenape ha!!??
Dah la bulan puasa! Patut bulan puasa beramal la sikit..
Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar!
(kecuali la kalau kau bukan Islam -_-")

Eeee.... TAPI... tapi..
kesian la kawan I tu!!!
Tup tup.. harta pusaka kawan saya tu dah di copet oleh iblis bertopengkan manushia tu...
HUH!!! Baghaaaaaal betul la diye tu!!!

Teman! I akan doakan supaya kamu ketemu kan harta pusaka mu itu ya?!
Semoga iblis bertopengkan manushia itu dilaknati oleh Allah SWT.
(walaupun xbaik mendoakan keburukan org...)

Ya Allah yang Maha Adil dan mengasihani, Ketemukan baliklah harta pusaka kawan baik saya itu, supaya dia boleh menggunakan nye dengan baiknya.

♥Topic rasa ketiga : Presentation yang kelakar

Buhuhahahahhahahahahahahah (gelak dulu)
Mmg xpenah dibuat dek orang!!!

Mr. Raja was soooo funny!

Ira :
Hello, my name is Maz Shairah Mohamed Aizi.
Pilihanraya dijalankan 4tahun sekali dan pengundi harus lah berumur 21 tahun ke atas.

Raja Mohan : OK! NEXT! Thank you!

Kalau tau la, xpayah susah2 buat ayat panjang2 ni....
Sbb masa xdek kn..
The time is too short, and many students..
So, sikit je la present nye..

Look at Ken! He even have the time to pose at my camera!
But I don't know what he was trying to do...?
Why he pose like that...???
He also speak (body language, since he is in front, so cannot chat loudly) with me and ask wether he did well or not.
He asked that since I said his accent in Malay is so nice!
And he take that seriously...
When I was going home also he said 'Jumpa Lagi!'
He started speaks malay with me.
Though he speaks english with me before....

This one is Jonathan Wong.
he also speaks sooo short...
Since the PC we are using was See Kay's PC, so Jonathan Wong as his friend have to take care of the PC..
So while everybody were doing the speech, he monitored the PC..
Thank you! Jonathan Wong the assistant of the day!

And Thank You Ryan for lending us your PC!
Sorry for the 'No need to scan the virus, just continue!'
(selambe je I ckp mcm tu kat Jonathan Wong, padahal tu PC Ryan...)
Mcm PC sendiri je.. Kalau ade ape2 virus baru kt PC Ryan, abesla.... I will be dead!

Ok! Ok!
Tu je la arini ye...
nak sambung buat assignment!!

Tata~ Titi~ Tutu~

Ya Allah! Tunjukkan lah keadilan mu!

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New Layout!!!

Irah Aizi
Sunday, September 13, 2009

I have changed my blog layout!!
Comel x? Comel x?!!

Hahahahah... Penuh muke ku.... (jijiknye)

tp nk bwt mcm ne kn... Blog sape sekarang!!!? ha!? Ha!?

I change my blog layout ni sebab saje2 je nk nmpk lg hebat dlm bab2 memblog ni...
Bukan sbb dh bosan dgn layout lame tu..
(akan merindui layout lame tu!!! Dh la cantik.. Wanie siap bg Thumbs up lg!)

Sekarang ni busy dengan last minute assignment and menghadapi Exam...

Dh xde idea nk tulis2 kat blog ni..
That's why la I change the layout...

Ape2 pn...
Tunggu kejutan ku lg..

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Free phone calls vs. RM7

Irah Aizi
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Post ni ditulis di Rumah tingkat bawah
Post ini ditulis ketika saya sedang makan Hagen-Dazs

Post ini ditulis pada situasi menunggu Azim balik. Keluar malam je keje.

Disebabkan busy classes and courseworks sume...
I dh x active dlm mencari perihal2 korean singer lg....

Skrg free sket (walaupun coursework economy xstart lg) so.. nk tulis la ape yg I tau...

Hari tu.. 10-09-2009, Thursday was my so-called-birthday yang telah ditabalkan oleh Pihak Maxis.
Saya dapat free calls on that day..
Ape lg...

I called Sya (of course la kne call dye, si Mama Gossip dari group kami)
Nasreen Zaky (She misses me and I miss her. Nak jumpe dye!)
Hanan (aritu pn dye call I, so I call he too lah!)
Dongsaeng Ieyla (abes bising n kecoh LRT tu dgn suara I yg kuat sbb excited borak. Sume pndg)
Farrazurin (tp dye busy lak.... uwaaa)
Masdiyana (last minute.. ble dye tegur bru call heehhehe)

Disebabkan I called Nasreen Zaky, Hanan and Ieyla ni... Banyak psl korean artist yang I xtau..

Jihoo seonbae kene H1N1.....
Adekah sebab dye dtg Malaysia?? Jgn la... Jangan la Korea dan Malaysia bergadoh!!
Aman.. Aman... Aminnn~~

Leeteuk ade secret girl (dengar cite leeteuk dh pegi jumpe bakal pak mentua pompuan tu.. pompuan tu nk kawin dgn org lain dh la.. kesiannye leeteuk)

JaeBeom dah keluar 2PM
Bye2 Jaebeom!! awak telah melakukan sesuatu yang bijak! Saya xminat awk jd, bye2 la..
(adakah saya begitu kejam?)
Ye la... Ye la.. I think I hate Nickhun better than Jaebeom so....
Jaebeom, hope u come back to JYP!!!
Chansung-ah, pegi la USA, kejar dye! tarik eader awk tu balik Korea!!
Pedulik kn la ape Anti-fans yang bengap sengal dan baghal tu nk ckp!!!

ape lg ek..???
EunHyuk pegi Paris sorang2 (xtau la rumour ke btol ke..)
yela.. yela.. mengaku la.. kitorng pegi Honeymoon sbenanye..
So alang2 Eunhyuk dekat paris, dye buat la fansigning kt sne....

tu je la kot......
tp rasenye byk gle...?????
xpe la.. tu je ingt...

Pastu kn...
Dah pukul 11.00PM
Call la Masdiyana...
about 20minutes la jgk.... Then suddenly before 12AM tu, credit gua kene potong!!
Panas gle gua!!!
RM7 tuuuuu....
Siot je......
Hotlink ni, bg la time btol2... Belom pukul 12 pn lg.. dh abes ke free calls tu...?????
Xpe la.. maybe time dye dgn time kte lain.... redha je la...

tp... I pelik la.. Pelik Bin Ajaib! sebab... kenape I call MasD only 20 minutes, tp deduct RM7 plak...
Slalunye klau call sape2 15 minutes pn bru RM3 or RM4 lebih je kne deduct...
Hotlink telah menswindle duit ku!!!! Mencopet credits ku!!!
Hotlink the Kurosagi!!!

xdapek eden nk save credit eden sampai due date... hmmm...

Si Sya tu.. sebok suruh I edit gamba dye....
(gamba dye dan saye.. heheh ^_^ )

ni la hasil nye~~~

Ramai org kate cantik... ape yg cantiknye????
cantik sgt ke???

Komen2 dari sekalian Makhluk...

Hanim Amarudin : caner ko wt ni b?wat kn tukalong!

Fauzi Azmi : sya bleh masukkan gmbar abg skali x.....please....
Rose Zy : B...nanti buat utk along , nak bagi kengkawan...boleh?

Haiz~~~ Buat business Kad Raya la nampaknye....
I duduk Opis kire duit...
Sya pegi carik pelanggan!! ngahahahah.....

Kesimpulan dan moral of the story...
Janganlah mengikut sangat kehendak kawan baik anda, nanti akan tambah susah hidup anda!
Ingatlah pesan nenek moyang kite!
Hidup biarlah penuh dengan kawan, tapi pentingkan diri sendiri dulu baru kawan!

OK!! SABTU AHAD n ISNIN ni kene siapkan Coursework Economy!!!
Hari selase kene hantar dah!!
Mati laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!

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College classes

Irah Aizi
Sunday, September 06, 2009

Ahah! Saje je nk selitkn classmate2 yg saye kenal dlm blog ni...

Ni mase presentation Oral English..

Ok.. dimulakan dengan...

Alamak! sape name laki ni ek?
Since Ms. Praba call him 'goat beard' (sbb janggut dye sikit mcm kambing)
This is Mr. Goat (kalau dye bace ni.. mati lah saye!)

This is... JONATHAN WONG!!!
hahahah... Diye la laki paling resah sekali on that day..
Kulu kilir....... sbb takot presentation kot... ntah la..

This is the 10 years Karate Student, Jayashalini!
Peeeehh~~ HEBAT GLE DYE!!!

This is Alia.... mcm xknal pulak korg kn?

This is Jocelyn... She is the Sabah girl.

Ahah! Filipino girl, Rowena....

Ni.... ah!! buruk gle!!!!
Ni Ira name dye... sape la agaknye...
Saye nmpk berisi :((
Tp, ape2 pn Ms. Praba said that my short essay is Sweet and short

This one is Hemma.

yg ni.............. xtau la name dye... byk sgt Chinese Guy!!!
Letih menghapal name2 dorg...

This one is Ken Hao..
Tapi Simran call him 'How Ken??' (How can u do it?)

He is from Oman...
Name dye... Sultan.. Ampun tuanku beribu2 ampun!!!
NAME DYE SULTAN!!!!! xde name lain ke!???

And this one is Faiz (org paling last present ke depan)
tapi time ni..... kesian dye.... sume dh malas nk dgr...
Lagi2 saye, xdgr pun sape2 punye essay, keje menagkap gamba je... hahahahah

Tengok la!!! yg lain siap dh bangun2 borak2 lg... saye tgkp gamba....

Ahah! ni jelas menunjukkn classmates yg lain xpay attention on him...
TENGOK LA SUME ORG!! busy2 borak2 lak... buat hal sendiri pun ade..

Since the day is Friday, ah~ Malaysian Studies class....
Want to know what happen...???

Mase untuk bergambar lg!!!!

Wah wah wah! dlm class Malaysian studies, saye org yg paling focus skali!!!!
tengok la...

Padahal main tgkp2 gambar....
Sebenarnye keje saye dlm klas, semasa lecturer tgh mengajar ialah......

1) Buka n pakai Spek.....
2) Pakai hand sanitizer byk2 kali... (sejukkk~~)
3)conteng2 nota
4) tangkap2 gambar...

Tangkap gamba dgn Alia semase.....

LECTURER ADE KAT DEPAN!!!! aaaaaaa....
lecturer teruskan je dgn ucapan beliau... haiz~

Jocelyn plak tidoor sebelah saye....

Ape nk jd la dgn budak2 zaman skrg ni!!??


Semoga Result Malaysian Studie saye cemerlang!
(cemerlang ape kalau perangai mcm ni!???)
Alaa... abes, klau xmain2, tidoor ternganga jugak saye...!!! Jgn salahkan saye!

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