♥Half Of Military Service♥

Irah Aizi
Saturday, May 09, 2009

Say Yo! YO!! 1,2,3 It's Ok It's Alright Come on CHARLIE fight fight fight!!!
[CHARLIE also known as 'LEBAH']

Lebah Hebat, Lebah Hebat, Lebah Hebat Sangat! [Hey!] Lebah Mantap, Lebah Mantap, Lebah Memang Mantap! [Hey!] Korang Jangan Cari Pasal Nanti Kena Sengat! [Hey!] Nanti Korang akan Menyesal Sebab Kami Hebat! [Hey! Hey!]

Go CHARLIE Hot-To-Go! H-O-T-T-O-G-O! Ngauum! Hot To Go! Ngauum! Hot To Go! AumBa a-a-a-Aumba! a-a-a-Aumba! a-a-a-Aum! CHARLIE!!!! Yeah!!!

This is Me with Our Kapten, Aina Ruhiyyah!

She is Soooooo cute!!! Kyaaaa~~~ Our Kapten Company!! CHARLIE!!!

So many things we did! I can't express it in words...!!

We did 'Flying Fox', Abselling, 'Kayak'ing, Jungle Trekking [Uwaaa!! PACAT!!!], and... and.. ah! went for Tilawah Al-Quran...!!!
Hijjaz was there!!!! Kyaaaaaaaa~~ I am In Love! Mianhae Hyukkie!
Then got In-Team...

Hmm.. We have CB class... Character Building and Integrasi!
C.I.M.B. [Melayu Cina India Bersatu!] kyaahahahaha.....

I am more active, no-t-shy, and more agresive after went for CB class! I have BUILD my character!!!! Go Ira!

Owh, and the Camp site is B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!
[This is 'Padang Kawad A']

[This is site from 'Pejabat Urus Setia']

[This is the lake where we did Kayak ^_^]

This is Dorm CHARLIE 2!!!! [Only a few of us.. After finish our 'Kerohanian']
Ketua Dorm : Blue&Syidah

This is Ayu and Jude! Sarawakian Roomates!

This is Our Sport Shoe [PT Shoe]
Nice right??!!! Huhu ^_^

This is Class Uniform..
[Genetor toilet!!! Andweaaa!] [Me with my Dongsaeng Qama]

This is Celoreng!!
[Atteeeeeention!!!!] [I look big.... T_T]

UNTIL HERE!!! I'll introduce you with friends of mine later!!

Anyway, PLKN RimBa Templer Kump. 2 Siri /2009 CHARLIE is the best!!!
Although we cause SOOOO many troubles like rokok,bendera hilang,gaduh and sooo but CHARLIE is the BEST! and I LOVE CHARLIE so much!!!

C-H-A-R-L-I-E is HOT To GO!!!!!

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